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Sculpt January - Day 2 - Delight

Alright, we've been having some computer issues the last three days. Our big mamajama computer is having some ram issues, we think. We were able to salvage some of the videos of screen captures for my (Amber's) sculpt January progress. Alas! We lost the first day, but you can see the marvelous Beast: Deep Sea submission of a phallic jelly fish on sketchfab.

Onto Day 2 - Delight, where my ambition met the brick wall named, "Amber's Actual Skillz." Having been out of practice of 3D modeling for a number of months, the first two days of sculpt January was a definite refresher. To top it off, I was convinced I'd been watching enough of other artists and their speed sculpts to have a few techniques to try out that would clearly better my skills. In some respects, that was true. I def improved my first attempt at sculpting a human face, (see: Amber's weak Audrey Heburn sculpt from Sep 2017). But, at the same time it definitely didn't come out the way I envisioned it in my head - per usual.

For this challenge I definitely learned the importance of sculpting objects as individual objects. I ran into a lot of problems trying to make everything one mesh. In this particular approach, it was a bad idea to try and include the body, arms, and ice cream cone with the face. Not only was it difficult to get the proper poly's necessary to sculpt, but the ice cream and arms were near impossible to get out of the way when trying to work on the face and clothes.

Eventually, I ended up settling for a face sculpt and got rid of the arms and ice cream all together. lol

You can see my actual 3d submission for "Delight" on Sketchfab - Here!

Also here's some of the end results in picture form.

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